Saturday, March 17, 2012

Finished Magazine Project and Upcoming Pieces

     I apologize for the late update. I wanted to make sure I had pictures of the project that I'm posting for the update. The project I have done what was completed this week was a magazine that I designed. I designed a cover page which was mounted on a 11X17 piece of foam core. Along with that I created a table of contents that spanned two pages take up an 11X17 that was mounted separately onto another piece of foam core of approximately the same size. Last I created and article section that spanned two pages that occupied a space of 11X17 that was mounted on yet another piece of foam core. The theme of the magazine was a sort of joke magazine for barbarians. It is no surprise that the name of the magazine is called, "Barbarian". I put on grease paint for the pictures that I took of myself. The profile pic I made for the cover seemed appropriate for the feel I wanted to get. The table of contents background was a background that I created from acrylic paint on masonite board. I wanted to get a sort of layered, crude, cracked blood appearance, with fresh splatters at the front of it. I used a desdemona typeface to go along with the table of contents. I used a bloody text for the cover logo. Finally I created the article page with a photo that I took of myself, with my back against a palm frond. The section was titled "The Vacationing Barbarian". This was my attempt at being ironic in that you would not expect a barbarian go on vacation, much less create a magazine. I boxed in the title with a few gradients and some bars to make it similar to what they would do with table of contents pages in insular manuscripts that were created in the Medieval Ages. On the second page I put the accompanying text with pictures I boxed in white to look like polaroids. When I presented the critic was mainly positive, except that the third section did not quite fit along with the theme in the same way the cover and table of contents did. I was generally satisfied with my work though. For next week I have a presentation I have to do on David Carson and I have been assigned my next big project. The upcoming project is not too bad, but it requires some deliberation on my part. The project simply put is to remake a movie poster in any alternative style that I see fit. For example I could do a minimalist version of a Tron poster. I'm required to do four versions of  a chosen poster. It could be of 4 different movies or 4 different version of the same movie. I can redesign the poster however I chose, as long as it recontextualizes the meaning of the film. See you next week.

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